Philosophically, I am a conservative and a reform-oriented populist. In recent years I have become concerned that our great republic has been redirected toward a path that could destroy our core democratic values and ideals and even our economic competitiveness on the world stage, I am thrilled at the remarkable result of the 2024 election and pray that President Trump and his administration will succeed in Making America Great Again.
The political leaders who have most influenced me are Donald Trump, Ross Perot and Condoleezza Rice—all of whom I consider to be courageous and brilliant independent thinkers and patriots who sincerely care about “the little guy.” Like them, I passionately love our country and desire to do all I can to help preserve its world prominence and ensure its incredible democratic future.

U.S. President, 2017-2021

“We need everyone involved. We need everyone’s help. We need every patriot on board – because this is not just a campaign, this is a quest to save our country.”
Presidential Candidate. 1996, 2000

“One voice is tiny, and alone it cannot be heard above the din of politics as usual. The people’s voice, when it cries as one, is a great roar.”
U.S. Secretary of State, 2005-2009

“The essence of America, that which truly unites us, is not ethnicity, or nationality or religion. It is an idea — that you can come from humble circumstances and do great things. “
As your consultant, I will conduct in-depth interviews with individuals and departmental representatives. We will work together through frank conversation to identify areas and procedures that are less than optimal—or downright counterproductive—in achieving your mission.
Following the assessment period, I will provide clear, detailed and specific written recommendations for changes and improvements. If desired, I will present these recommendations in meetings or work sessions to individuals or groups. Clients may also choose to contract for follow-up progress reviews, training sessions and other services.
Most human groups, regardless of size or internal structure -- including political entities organized around strongly held common values and shared purpose -- eventually experience strife due to interpersonal issues. Political organizations are often additionally challenged by their need to rely on volunteer labor, and even volunteer management, while their leaders have typically had minimal or no experience working with volunteers.
Such stressors have a strong potential to undermine productivity and effectiveness, and this is where I can help.
After years of academic study, professional, executive, and political leadership, and street-level experience, these are the areas of my expertise as a political consultant: organizational performance and volunteer workforce effectiveness.
It is my great joy to offer the knowledge, insight, and skills I possess to promote the success of conservative, reform-minded organizations dedicated to the betterment of our beloved country.
If you desire more information, please contact me so that we can discuss your organization’s particular situation in greater detail.
*Resume and list of publications will be provided on request.